Monday, January 16, 2012

Activate Analytical Accounting Manually

The case after installing and configuring the AA normally I noticed that the AA is not activated at the company and after investigation I activated it Manually from the Dynamics.db open AAG00104 then select the company and modify the aaCompanyStatus to 4 then you will find the AA is activated at the relevant database.
But don’t forget to backup your databases before  :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Error message when you try to post a journal entry that contains Analytical Accounting assignments in Microsoft Dynamics GP : "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'aatrxsource' table"

This problem occurs because an Analytical Accounting record is missing in the SY01000 table.
Run the following script in an appropriate SQL query tool against the company database.
insert into SY01000 VALUES (0,2,0,'Analytical Accounting','AATRX',1,'')
Wish it will help.
Mohammed Tohamy